I’m a prairie kid who loves research. I just completed a Master’s in economics with a focus on public programs, labour and education. Long before that, I did my undergrad in physics & English with a math minor.

Besides my resume, you’ll find this page full of sewing projects, the odd published poem, and stories about Canadian science.

A note about the blog title: in math and physics, the prefix eigen means one's own. It comes from the german, but mostly I always liked thinking about a particle's eigenvalues, and thought I might apply the same thought to my excursions.

Draw a Scientist

Draw a Scientist


The Draw a Scientist test is a classic, and one that I think about a lot (see my communications talk). Kids tend to draw a very specific type when asked to draw a scientist, and I bet you can guess what that looks like. If not, see the paper linked above. I hope that teaching science as an oddball 25-year-old shifts what my kids think of as a scientist. In fact, one of the kids in class explained to another kid "That a scientist is like Victoria the Teacher. She does science for little kids! And other science too."

And then one of the 6 year olds drew this in her science notebook from summer camp. Perfection.

A sampling of other beauties: [WRG]

FreshMint Blog — A (very) brief history of Montreal smoked meat

FreshMint Blog — A (very) brief history of Montreal smoked meat

Tangrams and the nature of science - All ages

Tangrams and the nature of science - All ages